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Mini-Bin, Big Change

In December 2015, the Facility Management Sustainability Team took recycling to a new level. In an effort to increase recycling and minimize landfill waste, the Sustainability Team introduced the new mini-landfill bin to UCI’s Facilities Management Building and Environmental Health & Safety departments. Staff from both departments welcomed the new changes to increase recycling in their office. The launch of the Mini-Bin, Big Change pilot program encouraged all office occupants to make sustainable decisions in their day-to-day activities. Their participation in the pilot not only encourages environmental awareness in the office space but also helps lead our campus to Zero Waste by 2020.

Program Overview

Under the Mini-Bin, Big Change pilot program, office occupants recieved the new "mini-bin" along with a reycling bin. The recycling bins are now commingled and accept paper, plastic, carboard, and glass; minimizing the amount of landfill waste in the mini-bin. Indiviuals are responsible for empyting out their own mini-bin in centralized waste stations which are located in the break rooms & office common areas.


  • Reduces landfill waste

  • Encourages recycling

  • Motivates proper waste disposal

  • Empowers environmental-awareness

  • Contributes to a sustainable environment

  • Leads our campus goal of Zero Waste by 2020!

Participants in the Mini-Bin, Big Change pilot program are contributing to a cleaner, healthier environment by becoming even more aware of their personal choices. UCI’s Sustainability Team would like to thank everyone for their collaboration in the pilot program.


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