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Get involved 

FM Sustainability Team

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Learn how to achieve Zero Waste! 

Learn how to be more sustainable wherever you are on campus!

Contact us if you are interested in Volunteering your time to be a Trash Talker at UCI events!

Zero Waste Event Guidelines

Zero Waste Event Guidelines

Learn how to be Zero Waste at UCI events!



Join us in a little friendly competition with other colleges and universities to help promote waste reduction activities on our campus!

Help us achieve 
Zero Waste! 

UCI has committed itself to achieving the UCOP goal of Zero Waste by 2020. Zero Waste allows us to minimize the material going to landfill and maximize the materials that are recycled and composted, leading to a lower carbon footprint and a cleaner environment. UCOP has defined Zero Waste as diverting 95% or better of campus solid waste from landfill - making the actual waste from the university as close to zero as possible. UCI is well on the way to achieving its goal of Zero Waste by 2020. We have a diversion rate of 81%, meaning that our campus has diverted 81% of all its waste from landfill to recycling and composting facilities. Check out our Sustainable Student Handguide for more info!

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