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Something to Celebrate: Zero Waste Events

Each year, UC Irvine hosts a wide variety of events on its campus, but one type of event is becoming more and more prevalent around UCI: Zero Waste Events. With some planning, any event can become Zero Waste, which means that 95% or more of all waste produced at the event is diverted away from landfills and goes instead into recycling or composting bins.

In the 2014/2015 year, Homecoming, Summerlands, Staff Appreciation Picnic, Disney Water Teaching Event, and the Dalai Lama Summit all reached above a 95% diversion rate, and therefore achieved Zero Waste. This is an extremely significant accomplishment considering that each event had over 4,000 people in attendance.

There are several ways in which campus events can become Zero Waste Events. UCI Facilities Management provides Zero Waste Stations that consist of three bins: Landfill, Compost, and Recycling. This system assists with the correct sorting of waste by event attendees. Additionally, UCI events will provide helpful “Trash Talkers”, who are friendly volunteers that help students and event-goers learn more about how to sort their waste. Click here to watch a fun video about UCI Trash Talkers and Zero Waste!

Facilities Management has created a set of Zero Waste Event Guidelines for event planners that has a complete list of Zero Waste techniques. Event planners can make sustainable changes with regards to waste disposal, bin signage, communication materials, food materials, and transportation.

With the increase of Zero Waste Events on our campus, event attendees will be able to contribute to our campus sustainability efforts as well as enjoy the event experience—that’s something to celebrate!

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