Batteries & Printer Cartridges

How to Dispose.
You can dispose of common household batteries by dropping them off at a Household Hazardous Waste facility or Waste Collection center that accepts them. Designated retail stores, including Targets, Home Depots, and certain Ikeas also accept you recyclable batteries.
To learn about what happens to specific batteries after they are recycled visit this webpage by Baterry Solutions:
How to dispose.
At UCI: Used batteries & cartridges are collected weekly by Facilities Management Recycling Team at office locations across campus. Most of the ink cartridges collected on campus are refilled and resold to PCR America:
Off-Campus: Designated retail stores such as Office Depot or Staples accept ink cartridges and will even provide you with a discount on a new cartridge. Also, many manufactures package their cartridges with a returnable envelope, and if you send them your used cartridge they will ensure you that it will be recycled.
Contact your local waste centers to learn if they recycle ink cartridges and allow drop-offs.
What Happens next.
Most household batteries are recycled to produce new batteries.
To learn about what happens batteries with specific chemicals after they are recycled visit this webpage by Baterry Solutions:
Similarly, ink cartridges are procesesed in a manner that extracts the raw material needed to produce new ink cartridges.